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Feedback, suggestions, bugs or in a good mood and eager to say ‘hi’? You’re welcome. At the Guestbook, that is. Feedback is one of the best ways to make STEAMID.CO even better. Sign in through Steam to post a comment.


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Das 2tap says:

A great service to convert steamid, thanks!

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Groot says:


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Alex a.k.a Rogan says:


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JForge says:


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nukeboss44 says:


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ginodevlas says:


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Cristiano-Borioni says:


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Lukas19712 says:


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TheTimmaeh says:

I think it's kinda irresponsible to offer such a service with a "trust score" that is completely bugged and no fix for months (or years?) You are asking for donations for this service, while you don't even tell your users that the trust score is bugged. I've told you about this months ago and even offered you a fixed version of your code, tho even without my offer this would be fixed within a few minutes. Thanks for the service, but as long as the trust score is not fixed I will encourage users to use other services.

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Arne says:

Hi TheTimmaeh. Thank you for taking the time to leave this comment. You're absolutely right, it is in no way responsible to leave the trust score as-is. I value your feedback and promise that I will start fixing this problem right now. In the mean time, I will inform everyone that there is an issue with the trust score. Thanks again, and I apologize to everyone who has experienced any trouble due to the bug. - Arne

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Chuckles says:

why is my trust score so low?

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