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Rex says:

I have both my steam name and my url! what is my steam 64 id?

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Rex says:

i have tried my steam name and my url! whats my steam 64 id?

commenter's avatar
Rex says:

Nevermind i found my id after reading the comments. Nice site btw =)

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Arne says:

I'm glad you got it resolved. Thanks for the kind words!

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Quick says:


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GradyV says:


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Legalize Weed says:

whats my id?

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Arne says:

This site is about finding that out. Asking here won't help you! :)

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MaTi_Pro_YoLo says:


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Timka. says:

Hi Kappa

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Arne says:

NOTE: If you can not find your ID, please tell me here WHAT you entered so that I can troubleshoot! I can not help with comments like 'I can't get my ID!'

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♥ Netflix ♥ says:

I cannot get my id. My username for logging into steam is "Spagootie" So i put that and it wasn't MY account. so i tried the url way and i put in this "" cause thats my url and it didn't work! I don't know what to type in for my name for my ID to come up. I don't know what username or whatever i should put in. Im on a mac if that helps. PLEASE HELP! I need the numbers from my id. btw.

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♥ Netflix ♥ says:


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bjgaming98 says: that what i entered nothing came up

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Arne says:

That's because it is not a valid URL!

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Jeg elsker ToB <3 xD says:

I cant find my id !

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Gala! says:


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USAFHamiltons says:

i cant get this website to fined my profile

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Arne says:

Please read the FAQ page before posting! :) Here is your profile:

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