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.OnlyOneCookie says:

Hello! Add for playing! :D

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Manunu says:

Hello & Die!

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Arne says:

Hi there & that is not on my to-do list at the moment!

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Jedh1 says:


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TyranntX says:


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[BANDIT] Yuri says:


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RaySanXIII says:

hi all

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Arne says:

Take it easy guys! Spamming your profile URL isn't quite nice.

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Rigid says:


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FluffyXVI says:

Why does my trust score show as 3.0 when I'm a higher level, have more games, and have two extra years on steam, compared to a friend with a score of 5.4?

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Hax Scrpt says:

I am actually totally fine with the advertisement on the bottom, I wouldn't even mind it if there we're 2. Just to cover the whole costs! And you can make an index tab that are showing other pages from you (if you have some). Keep up the good work, I really appreciate it! :D

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