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[KI] PugBama says:

You should say something along the lines of "Enter Steam profile URL here" instead of "Enter your input" it's kind of confusing and I had to go the FAQ to find where to put my URL. Was easy to figure out but some people may not be very good at finding these things out

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[KI] PugBama says:

Nvm, I'm dumb.. Just read the front page you should make it to where you can delete comments xD

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Spartenzwarrior says:


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Hybrid-7411 says:

Hi I can not find my steam ID please could somebody help I have tried and tried again at multiple ideas?

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Hax Scrpt says:

Open your steam profile page in the browser, copy the '<YOUR-ID>' and paste it in . Then copy the Steam-ID and paste it on this page Hopefully it helps. Any corrections allowed

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Hax Scrpt says:

Don't mind my comment there, please! Just enter your custom URL ending (example:, use only IzDaHax) in the search bar and this *great* page should find it.

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DISASTER=[] says:


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Fran says:


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Alpha says:


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BHDude says:

Very helpful. Love it :)

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「DG」 Finn says:


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redaandbluezebra says:

can anyone help me

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redaandbluezebra says:

this is really hard to figure out

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