Jeg elsker ToB <3 xD says:
I cant find my id !
Gala! says:
USAFHamiltons says:
i cant get this website to fined my profile
jensenkavaney says:
i cant find my steam 64 id
RaiZeN says:
I like this site, clean and easy to read. Good job!
UnicornRainbowX says:
Hello World! :D
Zeph says:
Why is my trust score so low? The only ban I have is from Oct 24, 2006, almost a decade ago. Does the age of a ban/number of bans play into any part? Does a 9 year old ban really make me so untrustworthy?
joker says:
-Snk says:
The user is showing up with a SteamID of STEAM_0:1:4768414, which is incorrect, the right SteamID is STEAM_0:1:47684140, notice the 0 at the end.
Juice says:
Great site you got here! Immediately hit me on Google after steamidfinder wasn't working
You’re welcome!
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