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Syntax_Error says:


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[OM] SuperOllieWorld says:

I know what is. Loads of oompa loompas running to Valve HQ to find out your steamid XD

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Arne says:

Check out the new STEAMID.CO and let me know what you think!

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[OM] SuperOllieWorld says:

Very good work :)

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[OM] SuperOllieWorld says:

I cant wait for!

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Birikin says:

I'm trying but i can't convert myself...what the hell ?

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Arne says:

If you're not sure how the system works, please go this page: . If you are still having problems, please email arne(at)

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Birikin says:

How could i find myself ?

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Rambo_99 says:

no shit does not work. I enter your nickname and get the response that this non-existent ACCOUNT !!! How come?! And where was he the last 6 years !!!?

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Arne says:

Hello Rambo, please note that the nickname is not the same thing as the custom ID. My nickname is 'Arne', but my account ID is 'arnevb'. Please try to search for the account ID, the custom URL or any other fixed ID.

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dougnf1967 says:

I can't find myself either

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@firaja says:

Great work dude! But I'm wondering how can you retrieve information fast when Steam Web API are very slow. Sometimes it requires more than 10 seconds for a single account D:

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